• support@myglove-box.com
  • |
  • 469-492-1467

Frequently Ask Questions

This app will allow you easy access to your vehicle’s information that will be helpful in multiple areas. The app can prevent you from performing duplicate repairs. The app will allow you easy access to your vehicle's warranty and recalls, which could prove beneficial for specific repairs. The app will provide maintenance intervals which will contain information that will help you stay on top of repairs and prevent potential additional vehicle damage. Create a better opportunity for your vehicle’s resale with repair records. Also, provided on the app are other helpful feachers like storing receipts. Ensure easy returns with electronic receipts.

Once you download the app, you will have the option to purchase the regular or premium package. If you choose the premium package you will be given a myglove-box email address that you can use for items pertaining to the glove box.

Yes, this function is used for documents like your license and registrations. Also, your certifications can be manually stored on the app. Purchasing receipts can be manually and saved to the app, this is helpful for stores that do not provide emailed receipts.

Although you are able to use the myglove-box email address, it is suggested to use the myglove-box email address for items pertaining to my glove-box app.